You’ve no doubt ended up here because you’re looking for the best long distance prepaid phone cards. I’m going to let you in a little secret. Even the best prepaid phone cards can’t compare to this secret. CallDirek offers pinless long distance calling without the calling card.
Why Phone Cards Don’t Work
If you’ve used a phone card for any length of time, the following reasons will be like preaching to the choir.
Even the best long distance prepaid phone cards require long codes to press before making calls. If you’ve ever punched in those long numbers, it can be confusing and punching the wrong number is easier and more likely than getting through by pressing the right numbers. CallDirek delivers pinless prepaid long distance. No confusing numbers, we promise.
When that call finally connects, it’s not an uncommon thought to think “why so many numbers for such a poor quality line.” Once again, the best prepaid phone cards can’t guarantee quality lines. They can’t even guarantee the line won’t disconnect you. With CallDirek, users can select many lines giving them plenty of options for prepaid calling needs.
Before the call is made, costly rates can frustrate customrs. The best long distance calling cards offer affordable rates. The rates can be good for long distance, but still don’t compare to prepaid long distance with CallDirek. Offering some of the industry’s lowest rates on long distance and international calling, CallDirek surpasses even the best long distance prepaid phone calling card.
What CallDirek solved is something all prepaid long distance calling cards have tried to figure out a solution for. How to get around the time limits of cards? CallDirek offers instance recharge options when minutes go below a threshold. Most long distance prepaid phone calling cards can only ask you to purchase a different card with more minutes. That’s just not convenient.
Many calling cards come with expiration dates. The minutes must be used by a certain time frame or date. The result is that unused minutes are lost. With prepaid long distance calling cards, unused minutes are money gone to waste. Essentially, even a cheap phone cards becomes expensive when all the lost minutes are considered.
Some calling cards cost different rates for different regions, meaning 1,000 minutes can become 40 minutes. While that offers calling flexibility, the rates for those other regions make even the best prepaid phone calling cards worthless after a short period of time. With CallDirek, the best long distance prepaid calling cards offer affordable rates with no gimmicks or tricks about location.
When considering prepaid long distance calling cards, it’s become apparent they just don’t stack up. They don’t match up when it comes to savings…when it comes to service…when it comes to selection. For that reason, more people are moving away from long distance calling cards and switching to pinless prepaid long distance with CallDirek. More people are choosing convenience, quality, affordability and top-rated service over the hustle of prepaid calling cards.
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